Below are recent talks, presentations, workshops, etc. Research presentations are linked to each project on my research page. These presentations are part of a broad “extras” repository, available here as a site and here as a raw github repo.
Except where noted, all content is © Ian McCarthy and licensed under Creative Commons.
APIs and web scraping with R
Workshop for SEACEN's September 2022 online course on "Data Analytics for Macroeconomic Surveillance" | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (via Zoom)
Putting everything out there as a researcher
Workshop for EPID 9100 (PhD/MS seminar), Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, University of Georgia | Athens, Georgia
The US and the 2020 Election
Guest lecture for KIEN 2263 (English Academic and Professional Skills II), Centre for Language & Communication Studies, University of Turku | Turku, Finland (via Zoom)
Universal documents and reproducibility
"Unpacking the Hidden Curriculum": Graduate Student Professionalization Workshop, Department of Political Science, University of Utah | Salt Lake City, Utah (via Zoom)
What does the internet say about you?
"Unpacking the Hidden Curriculum": Graduate Student Professionalization Workshop, Department of Political Science, University of Utah | Salt Lake City, Utah (via Zoom)
Truth, beauty, and data: Why data visualization matters in research
Methods workshop in the Département de science politique, Université de Montréal | Montréal, Canada (via Zoom)
Program evaluation and causal inference with R
Workshop for the Georgia Policy Labs at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)
Data visualization with R
Workshop for the Georgia Policy Labs at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)
What does the internet say about you?
Workshop for members of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) | Online workshop via Zoom
Welcome to the tidyverse: Introduction to R and tidy data analysis
Workshop for the Georgia Policy Labs at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)
Truth, Beauty, and Data
Workshop on data visualization for employees of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Salt Lake City, Utah (via Zoom)
Introduction to the tidyverse + data visualization with ggplot2
Two sessions for SEACEN's November 2021 online course on "Data Analytics for Macroeconomic Surveillance" | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (via Zoom)
Making documents, websites, and dashboards with R
Workshop for the Georgia Policy Labs at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data with R
Workshop for the Georgia Policy Labs at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)
Graphic design for public administrators
Workshop for the Georgia Policy Labs at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)
Universal documents and reproducibility
Workshop for EPID 9100 (PhD/MS seminar), Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, University of Georgia | Athens, Georgia (via Zoom)
What does the internet say about you?
Workshop for the Political Science Graduate Student Association, Department of Political Science, Georgia State University | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)